I took a week's vacation and thought I would have tons of time to get the rear end back together. Unfortunately, my wife's dad fell ill and we had to make two trips down to see him in the last week. While I love the KG and I love working on it; family comes first and I had no intention of working on the car when my F-I-Law was heading to the hospital. As luck would have it, he had a small but very serious procedure done on Thursday and I had a meeting back home on Thursday night. My wife stayed in Southern MO to take care of her dad and I returned home for my meeting. We decided someone would meet me 1/2 way to pick up my wife, so I stayed home by myself and was able to put some serious time into the car for two days.
I was able to install the engine deck, get the rear quarter back on and fix a few small items around the car. I still have some small clean up welding/grinding to do, but it's 95% done. I should be able to push the project forward a bit this coming week, so hopefully I'll move back to the rocker panels by the end of May.
The videos of the operations: